Sunday, October 30, 2011

WINDOW CRACK, how it all started

it all started with this picture:

if you can't see my facebook caption, it says : This is the view from one of my window's crack. It's raining outside, but there's still sunshine :)

then the next photo:

caption : That's the pretty pretty sun relaxing, hanging out with the clouds ;)

caption: :)

caption : I don't know how taking pictures of the sun has become my obsession, but then, this is my world through a window crack :)

the next photo here is the one that's got me thinking of my blog. :

caption : Window crack bulletin today :)

i think i need a new subject now, yes? Hah!

caption : I think i really found something to do every day which only takes up less than 5 minutes of my time. Haha my mom's gonna kill me xD

 and this next photo is unfortunately my last window crack bulletin. I hope there's more subject to come. it'll help me live through my passion for photography :)

caption : Sunset on a cloudy day, the rainbow is a bonus :)


so that's it for now, stay tune ;)

PS:/ you can click on the photo to enlarge :)

Saturday, October 29, 2011

A Fresh Start

Hi guys! its been a long time since I last wrote here and I've decided to start writing again. so I'm currently sitting for my O levels which will probably cause me to be less active. Don't worry, I'll still be around tho.

so in conjunction of a fresh start, I'm making a few changes to this blog, a little bit on the layouts and the name.

this is before:

the after, is voila! its what you see here and now, but please bear with me, its gonna take a little time to finish up everything. so check again soon! :)