"It Rained!!"

and yes, that's my lame title for the super awesome picture. ;) :P hahah jokes aside, I took this photo a few hours ago at my former school, Sekolah Menegah Sufri Bolkiah. it rained very heavily while I was there to collect certificates with some friends. it's been a long stretch of time since it last rained thanks to the dry season. now that it has finally rained, I am more than relieved. :) and apparently, this picture seemed to be my one and only successful attempt(so far) to capture raindrops. haha, FINALLY!! :)
and since I missed out a few days for this segment as well, I'll post up a few more bonuses ;)
I'm not entirely sure what flower this is, I at first thought that it was of a watermelon blooming. but then it's not, silly me! My mom said it's a sunflower-ish kinda flower. so... I call this one "The Lie". one thing is because I mistook the flower, another because I used this flower to trick my friend because we were still preparing her gift. so I had to be quick and smart! xD but yeah, me and my weird thing naming habits, just humour me :p what I like the most about this picture it's it's perfect close up and blurred background, it's perfect to my eyes! :)
next two pictures will be from my last geography field work.
This picture is of a sorta(I've seen bigger, so I can't say VERY can I?) huge ant crawling on a leaf. not sure you can see it or not but it's the black spot with legs (you don't say Amal?). it's amazing. this picture is amazing as well, I didn't even use the close up mode for it but it came out perfectly enough for me. and thus my picture naming habit comes in, I named this picture "The Hidden". weird eh?
This one's a leaf on the river. I particular love this because of the sun light reflecting the clear surface of the small river. it was amazing. and the state that the leaf is in, awesome! and guys, for the first time, I can't name the picture! haha it's perhaps a good thing though, I won't have to come up with weird names anymore :P haha really, I hated that picture naming habits. although I kinda find it hilarious. haha what the flip am I talking about?! XD
anyway, as a gentle reminder, pictures on "A Photo A Day" section are mainly taken by me. unless it is taken by someone else, I WON'T forget to credit them. so... if ever I see the pictures on here being reposted, I won't be exactly happy if it wasn't with my permission. and in case you were asking why I get all worked up on this, there has already been one incident where my superifically awesometastic picture was taken away, reposted and claimed as theirs. I can't even claim it back. it's no fair really, I made the effort but then.... you get the flow. (sigh)
anyway, cheers! it's just a gentle reminder. enjoy! :)