Thursday, January 24, 2013


So, today is a public holiday... we went to hang around our grandma's house for a wee family down time. And... I brought my camera along. Awesomely enough, there are two ponds in front of my grandma's home, one semi-dry and the other filled with water. So, what happened was my brother, my cousin and I went rock bouncing (the one where we throw rocks on the surface of the water and it bounces along)!! :)

I initially just took pictures of him bouncing the rocks, until I got to a point where I got a wee hot and tired, I actually learned to successfully bounce the rock multiple times! :)

Monday, January 14, 2013


so... me and Maira got a little creative this afternoon with this little monkey I gave her this morning as her belated birthday gift this morning. hehe :)

Monkey with glasses and camera... mmm

let's welcome our new canon family member! ;)

Mai showing off her monkayyyhh :P

sup, what's hangin?

monkey hangin

not sure if scared or laughing. HAHA jk :P

monkey head .__.

monkey on bus rooftop

patriotism at it's best!

car sick monkey?

deep monkey is being deep

the monkey wonders... what life is like in the forest?

Locker migration

Brunei's national treasures

So, on the new year's day, my father, my brother and I went to Bandar Seri Begawan for last minute back to school shopping. I managed to drag my camera along and had a few pictures taken :)

So, our stop was at the Yayasan Hassanal Bolkiah, where when you are at the centre at the outdoor, you may get a super good view of the SOAS mosque and the water village ;)