Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thank you... for making me feel alive!

I know I'm a little late on this, but I just wanted to share this little quote I found. It may be a little cheesy on some level. haha just read. Be warned, I'm just putting down what ever 2 A.M thought I have.

"Sometimes you meet someone, and it’s so clear that the two of you, on some level belong together. As lovers, or as friends, or as family, or as something entirely different. You just work, whether you understand one another or you’re in love or you’re partners in crime. You meet these people throughout your life, out of nowhere, under the strangest circumstances, and they help you feel alive. I don’t know if that makes me believe in coincidence, or fate, or sheer blind luck, but it definitely makes me believe in something." —Brandon Oda

thank you for the amazing few days in Myanmar, thank you for making me feel alive. thank you for kicking my idea gears in to action. thank you for the amazing friendship that we have built in such short time. Passion, love, bravery, perseverance and hope, are few of the many values that I will bring home with me.

I've met various people from various background through this program. There's a doctor, advocating for better and more equal medical care for people in the rural areas. There's a communication expert, a very resourceful young lady who ended up as my roommate. There's my knight in shining armour (or maybe angel) who comes to my rescue for the moments I feel the most lost.There's a video guy with pickle coloured eyes, whose passion were as big as his heart. Then there's a guy who in an instant can light up the whole room with his cheerfulness. There's another person who looks really quite, but is just like a little basketball when he's excited. There's a curious little lady who put on a headscarf. There's a crazy girl, who laughs very theatrically. There's another that has a sparkle in his eyes whenever anyone speaks to him, it's like listening is literally his passion. There's a teacher. There's another persistent idea bag. There's one that helps wake us up every morning in the best way possible by helping us get closer to one another, interestingly filling the room with chatters and laughter.

I could write a book to describe everyone. I am extremely thankful to have met these amazing people. I've felt a heck load of emotions on my journey there. Fear. Anxiety. Happiness. Love. Excitement. Adrenaline. mainly excitement. Amazement. Amused. Thankful. Touched. Truly, they have truly made me come back to life.

The force is strong with this one!

a few last words....

The home of thousand pagodas
Splashed with a tsunami of golden souls
A nation built through perseverance and the raging hunger for equality

If you were a person... You would hold a scarred appearance..
eyes lined with the age of worry
but like the soul of your people,
your heart is made of gold.

If you were a texture..
you would be soft
Just like a blanket, your softness gives me warmth

I am so inspired to write and do so many things right now. It's like I have ADHD (I don't, but it feels like it). And all these exam things are like... the ADHD pills. 

okay. bye. wish me luck for my next papers.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

I Should Be studying

I'm currently sitting in the corner of a coffee shop, after my job interview. I'm supposed to be studying for my exams, but instead.. I finished writing my reflection entry for my last Myanmar trip... and am currently contemplating on the beauty of languages... and life. #DeepMoment

Yes, study is so daunting that being Adele is so much better.

Language is beautiful, while I am alive, I strive to learn as much as possible. I currently speak mandarin, hokkien, a little bit of crappy cantonese, english (duh), malay. I'm currently learning some sign language (for my lovely nephew, bless his soul) and also tagalog (for the abundance of good Filipino friends I have all around me. And also for the heck of it. And also for how beautiful this language is,  something about it is making it feels so natural to roll off the tip of my tongue.).

Now let's put aside my showing off for my language capabilities, I love language. I feel like it connects us more than anything in the world could, next to music and passion of course. The sense of connection, the sense of bridging.

Now speak of language, check out this movie. You'll understand exactly what I meant by then. here's a trailer.

Of course there's more I would like to learn, I just need teachers :P So each time I learn a new language, I have this in my head: "language is love". Literally is. :)

and I also probably make no sense. I should probably go study now. My coffee is running out. lol just kidding, I don't like coffee. It's chocolate.

Blogger background and header

Is it just me, or does it not load anymore? I'll try to get this issue fixed A.S.A.P

UPDATE: issue fixed. *throws confetti*

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


The title says it all. More hiatus. I'll be having exams... again. But this time, I might need to concentrate more, it determines whether or not I can pursue my degree, so wish me all the best of luck. But I get my official independence on the 29th, so I should post more by then... right? I definitely will though, I have a load of pictures and stories to share ;)

1. I just came back from Myanmar. Myanmar had been super awesome and lovely.
2. I worked with the local youth council as soon as I came home, some photos coming up as well.

Until then.

I might post when I'm procrastinating my studies. maybe. I don't know. But I know when my mom read this, she will probably tie me to an anchor and throw me to a river, so no matter how good I am with swimming, that won't save my life either. hahahaha joke lang.

See you in the next post, I am determined and motivated to post the soonest. So let's keep the fire burning...!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

I'm starving!

Since I'm hungry, and I've also found some food pictures on my laptop, I'll let you in on some things I've been working on very recently..................... and also, my sole purpose... To make you hungry too ;)

So recently, I've worked with a bunch of students from Institut Teknologi Brunei (ITB) for their project entitled the "Kuali Brunei", literally translated to the "Bruneian Pan". Pan as in the cooking pan, not Peter Pan. I am so funny. Anyway, they asked me to take youtube styled cooking videos. I gotta admit I am not happy with my outcome, but I'll put up links for you anyway because I am kind like that. Anyways, here are some pictures.

Ayam masak Kicap (Chicken stir fried with soy sauce)

Sambal Cacah Ambuyat (Ambuyat's chilli paste dip)

Pais Daging. (I don't know what this is in English. Seems like grilled beef wrapped in banana leaves)

Ikan masak Kari (Guess........ can you guess it? Curry fish head. duh)

I dunno the malay name, but this is prawn stir fried in chilli.

So.. I'm not sure how many of you have the general knowledge that there are very little online/offline/book resources there are in Brunei. So the students' goal in this project is to basically raise awareness... and to make people cook more, I guess? It will be a shame if these amazing food goes extinct. So to overcome the extinction issue, they designed a website to make the unavailable to become available. (The web is not available for the public unfortunately).

What do you suggest that we can do to stop these super-amazing-stuff-that-can-keep-me-away-from-the-brink-of-starvation-kind-of food from going extinct? Or on a less drastic note, what do you think we can do to at least make the very original and rich flavour to not be altered too much? 

On that note, your starving writer shall sign off and wait for her flight to take off now.

Dried mangoes

No, this post is not about fruits. Or mangoes. or bananas. I just bought some dried mangoes to snack on because I'm starving. And hence the title. I'm currently sitting here at the boarding gate somewhere in Bangkok, anticipating my flight back home. Half an hour to go, YAWN. And oh, I am also currently watching some random cat videos being shown here at the little TV. So random.

I'll write something soon. I'm too hungry to think. Should I post up some pictures to compensate on how much I've been NOT writing? hahaha this is by far the stupidest thing I've ever written on this site.

your weirdo signing off!

maybe. we'll see...