huh . . . so today has reached the end of May and we're coming to june tomorrow , goodbye May and good luck and hello in june . . .
May brings us memories and June is gonna be boring for some students . . . LOL and I'm serious , in June , some people are going to be happy coz ada Brunei grand sale and some are gonna be bored for the holidays but some will be excited and some will be nervous especially for the form three students*including me* and form 5 students . for form three and five students best of luck for you guys for your upcoming mock exam , PMB and O level . . . may god bless us with kelapangan di dada untuk belajar se rajin rajinnya . . . and if you fail , DON'T YOU EVER GIVE UP , if you fall , and thought that you may never ever be able to stand up , don't you dare ! think possitive , struggle struggle and struggle , I bet you could make it ! ;)
we must berusaha for our tangga kejayaan , NEVER GIVE UP ! best of luck in june !
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