hmm . . time check its exactly 6.12p.m now . I'm feeling so bored so I thought of cooking , I made nasi lemak . . there's left over nasi lemak rice from my parents and bro yesterday at home as I slept at my grandma's yesterday , lol . and I found myself to bored to be bored today when I come home . so I cooked something for my nasi lemak when I already have the rice . so , I cooked just a piece of chicken , an egg , some brocolli & sambal . and turn out to smell delicious and I dont think I could swallow all of them but I had exactly no choice coz I wont be able to share wif my bro as he'd already ate mee kari . . LOL , and my parents jalan . so . . .makan saja lah , I could skip dinner & breakfast tommorow*not really skip as in nothing at all,just a cup of milk will do* LOL !
my nasi lemak , one plate saja toh .. . ;p
and guys , arah my grandma house I found a mango , very the wierd the shape wa , try u see . . .
if from this angle , it will look like a person's hand giving one thumb up ! seriously. . .
and from this angle macam pinocchio . . .*betul ka spellingnya toh?*
and I'm signing out ! see ya , enjoy ur day ! :)
bye ~~ (:
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