now ,for my 're-obsessed' topic . (LOL , funny..) you see , in 2003 , I'm TOTALLY obsessed about an Irish band ; Westlife . In 2004 , Bryan (now Brian McFadden) left Westlife , it upsets me much , but then , back in 2006 , i found out that Mark is gay(please do not be offended) . It upsets me more , so , my full obsess level was 100% and dropped badly to 60% ,but i never forget westlife,their songs on repeat everyday,never got bored of it,only i wouldn't want to see their videos no more,no more drooling every single day, but in 2009 which is this year , of course . exactly on 1st December , everything changes when my cousin bought a new Kareoke set(I'm staying with them) , and then Amanda bought the Westlife kareoke CD and I remember why I'm obsessed with westlife ; ONLY Westlife's music and music videos and everything from them fascinates and touch me . thats why I LOVE them . And i understood the true meaning of being a fan,no matter what it is that happens,it is the final product that counts/matters. Thanks to westlife i'm more lifely,as i said , only their stuff fascinates and touch me,i watched their video,it makes my heart jump in joy,when their song is sad,i would cry because they used the correct everything,i listen to their songs, it made my day. so I became re-obsessed . LOL , only 3 years of dis-obsession westlife , but now I'm re-obsessed and now that I finally have a phone which can get me to the internet , i spent almost everyday browsing over Westlife stuff . I really hope you guys will eventually come across this, and read every single thing that comes across my thoughts when i see you guys,i would write it all if you wish... And i will .
and then did you know that United Kingdom is one of my land of dreams ? its where my dream started and its where its gonna end , main reason : westlife . LOL .
you see , when I'm a kid , I would like to be a doctor , so dream 1 , U.K . then I love westlife , dream 2 , U.K , and then when I came accross twilight , Robert Pattinson , dream 3 , U.K . I wanna get scholarship , dream 4 , U.K . and then , when I re-obsessed Westlife again , my dream 2 urges me to work harder so I have an opportunity to meet Westlife . Is it too much to ask ?
and back to my re-obsession , I'm a 14 year old teen obsessed with westlife , I only have 1 wish. on behalf of me and my cousin , first , will you please come tour our country ?(not that i'm forcing any of my wish/request on you guys,but i hope it will come true , i'll be the happiest) :D I hope you guys will come accross this .
what am I bluffing about ? ugh ...
what ever it is , I ♥ you westlife , you are always in my heart ☺

ps, on 8th May 2009 , Kian and Jodi Egan are man and wife , congrats and this upcoming 28th December 2009 , is Shane and Gillian Filan's 6th wedding anniversarry . happy advanced anniversarry ! and by this January 2010 , which is next month , Shane and Gillian are expecting another baby ! OMG ! I'm super excited for you guys , millions of congrats :D and to Kian and Nicky , I'm so sorry of your fathers' death, I wish them rest in peace and blessed by their good deeds. :D
and I said too much did i ? sorry I got emotional , I tend to make things complicated when I'm obsessed and talk about the it . But i like talking about it,it makes me....*whats the word again ... Ah ...!* happy . :) HAHAHAHAHAHA ! :P
alright , I'm signing off now , posting the link soon k :) and please keep coming back , I noticed my readers had decreased , LOL :D
okay , tata ;p
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