Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Read the title. yeah, you got that right. in this random post, we are going to randomly talk about mathematics.

Okay, basically, mathematics is a science dealing with the logic of quantity and shape and arrangement.

Math is also, ladies and gentlemen, one of the many subject that many students in the world hates unconditionally.

I bet as soon as I mention math, most of you would probably look like this:

But let me tell you about math on my point of view. math for me is one of the MOST RIDICULOUS SUBJECT of all time. I HATE MATHS. no scratch that, I love maths!! no wait, I hate it. no. I love it. ahhh!! doesn't matter, in short, I just have a love hate relationship with it. 

My exam is coming up. so... Yes yes, this post is going to be motivational. You see, maths, as I said is one of the most ridiculous subjects. BUT, maths can be really fun. At this stage, going to pre-uni, life is tough, so are the subjects that I'm taking. so guys, this is why maths for me is a real pain in the arse but at times, it could be a really easy. Why is it easy you say? well, if you actually took the time to sit down, relax and calm down, and then you read the questions, you'll actually understand it. If you don't, go back to your notes, redo all the examples until you actually understand them or better yet... ask your friends or your teachers. believe me, your friends and your teachers are everywhere. That's usually what I do, though :) 

As I was saying, maths is easy! It's like the one and only subject that makes me feel extremely stupid at one point, and then the next second like the smartest person on Earth. Read, understand, ask and attempt. Don't leave it, even if it means having over due homework, there's a saying called "Be it slow, as long as it's safe" (directly translated from malay) that is my concept, but you should try to obey your teachers though. and don't leave too much of your homework, even if I said overdues are okay but it doesn't mean that I am encouraging you, teachers may be unhappy about it. keep up with it, don't leave it to the last minute, do it early, if your teacher gives you a homework today and the due date is tomorrow, do it now. If you can't seem to do it on your own at home, try to google the questions, there might be simpler methods out there. OR, contact your friends. OR, on the next day, go see your teacher during your break time. as my biology teacher once said to me when I have 3 overdues (I know, that is not a good example but hey, I was busy and that wasn't much of a good excuse either. and he's not very strict on due dates but he'd like it if all the homework are up to date) : "Once you start to fall back and you don't keep up, you will stay behind," that's not his exact words but that's what I remember it as. And it really has a big impact on me, I start to learn to divide my time much properly now, even if I still suck at it. Time division is important, you don't have to make a timetable but at least plan what to do.

so I guess that's all my random post is about. this is so random. haha. anyhow, hope I help you a little as much as I helped my self by noting this down. I hope you read these thoroughly and don't get me wrong.

with that said, I'll leave you with this:

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