Saturday, December 14, 2013

LEAD ASEAN Summit Day 3 - part 1 (#BuildASEANchallenge , project pitching and collab cafe) 5/12/13

As the title suggest, during day 3 (the last day), most of our activities includes team building kind of things. But first, a talk. a fun talk.

Our speaker, Sabrina (follow her on twitter, @beingbrina) talking about innovation in technologies, media and human rights.

Right after the talk, there's this #buildASEANchallenge thing. Each person in the room has to create a hashtag of their advocacy which can help build a better ASEAN.

below are a few advocacy

 After that, we grouped more than 20 people in a group, to draft a vision statement for our alumni network. 20 people. that is a huge group! so it ended up with agreements and disagreements. I have never personally experience in such intense debate before. One party disagrees with the other until eventually, the group came up with a final decision. It took quite a while but to be a part of such a huge team in decision making is so exciting.

A few visions:

Then, it was tea time already. as JQ mentioned "this is a youth feeding program!!!"

literally. hahaha

After that, we were grouped in categories we desire, I was in the economic category. We were asked to pitch a #buildASEANchallenge project :-)

*random* oh look, a rainbow!

Asyraf looks manly ;)

Team Brunei's pitch!

And that basically concludes the day :-) 

catch up in part 2! ;)

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