everyday of 2009 come and go , I never thought that time pass so fast that 2009 is ending soon and we're opening a new page, 2010 . thanks for being part of my 2009 and thanks for letting me be a part of yours . may goodluck be with you always , like a storm against the window , follow you round just like a shadow , on the many paths you travel , may all your dreams come true . HAPPY NEW YEAR !
happy new year to you and you you and you you and you you and you you and you you and you you and you you and you you and you you and you !!! alright,I'll put a count down at the sidebar,you guys know my dreams,maybe you should tell me yours?
alright,for 2010,there's gonna be a few changes here,this blog is officially english , no more malay language. and I really hoped for more readers ? go on and chat in the chat box , its fine ... I'd noticed my readers are decreasing as well as my chatters ...
alright , signing off now .... will update soon (if I have time,school's starting soon,and I'm in form 4...hope i dont get too busy with school work...HAHAHA ;p)
ok,peace out !
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
our XMas pictures :D
this is the link straight to my facebook pictures , all our XMas pictures are there . click here
please please anyone reading my blog , please recruit as many people as possible to read my blog....no readers bah -.-"
please please anyone reading my blog , please recruit as many people as possible to read my blog....no readers bah -.-"
Monday, December 21, 2009
here's the link to the album of when we watched the 'this is it' movie , go here
e you guys again soon , short of time , so sorry , catch my daily updates on my facebook(if you'd added me) or my twitter , everything you'll need to contact or catch me is on the side , above my profile , ok , I'm signing off now
alright , totally signing off now ... wish me luck with my attempts , I hope it gives me something good .... amin...
e you guys again soon , short of time , so sorry , catch my daily updates on my facebook(if you'd added me) or my twitter , everything you'll need to contact or catch me is on the side , above my profile , ok , I'm signing off now
alright , totally signing off now ... wish me luck with my attempts , I hope it gives me something good .... amin...
Friday, December 18, 2009
hey peeps , I'm back ! its been quite a long time i hadnt update my blog ... so sorry , not been around lately , before i go straight to my point of the title of this post , i would like to recall about my previous posts ... I promised I'll upload some pictures , the pictures are now all compiled , you can go to my facebok profile and click the button that mentions the photos of me , you'll find it there . and for your convineint I'll post the link of the album here :D but not now , I'm a little too short of time . but look on the bright side , you can still check it out via my facebook , kay ?
now ,for my 're-obsessed' topic . (LOL , funny..) you see , in 2003 , I'm TOTALLY obsessed about an Irish band ; Westlife . In 2004 , Bryan (now Brian McFadden) left Westlife , it upsets me much , but then , back in 2006 , i found out that Mark is gay(please do not be offended) . It upsets me more , so , my full obsess level was 100% and dropped badly to 60% ,but i never forget westlife,their songs on repeat everyday,never got bored of it,only i wouldn't want to see their videos no more,no more drooling every single day, but in 2009 which is this year , of course . exactly on 1st December , everything changes when my cousin bought a new Kareoke set(I'm staying with them) , and then Amanda bought the Westlife kareoke CD and I remember why I'm obsessed with westlife ; ONLY Westlife's music and music videos and everything from them fascinates and touch me . thats why I LOVE them . And i understood the true meaning of being a fan,no matter what it is that happens,it is the final product that counts/matters. Thanks to westlife i'm more lifely,as i said , only their stuff fascinates and touch me,i watched their video,it makes my heart jump in joy,when their song is sad,i would cry because they used the correct everything,i listen to their songs, it made my day. so I became re-obsessed . LOL , only 3 years of dis-obsession westlife , but now I'm re-obsessed and now that I finally have a phone which can get me to the internet , i spent almost everyday browsing over Westlife stuff . I really hope you guys will eventually come across this, and read every single thing that comes across my thoughts when i see you guys,i would write it all if you wish... And i will .
and then did you know that United Kingdom is one of my land of dreams ? its where my dream started and its where its gonna end , main reason : westlife . LOL .
you see , when I'm a kid , I would like to be a doctor , so dream 1 , U.K . then I love westlife , dream 2 , U.K , and then when I came accross twilight , Robert Pattinson , dream 3 , U.K . I wanna get scholarship , dream 4 , U.K . and then , when I re-obsessed Westlife again , my dream 2 urges me to work harder so I have an opportunity to meet Westlife . Is it too much to ask ?
and back to my re-obsession , I'm a 14 year old teen obsessed with westlife , I only have 1 wish. on behalf of me and my cousin , first , will you please come tour our country ?(not that i'm forcing any of my wish/request on you guys,but i hope it will come true , i'll be the happiest) :D I hope you guys will come accross this .
what am I bluffing about ? ugh ...
what ever it is , I ♥ you westlife , you are always in my heart ☺

ps, on 8th May 2009 , Kian and Jodi Egan are man and wife , congrats and this upcoming 28th December 2009 , is Shane and Gillian Filan's 6th wedding anniversarry . happy advanced anniversarry ! and by this January 2010 , which is next month , Shane and Gillian are expecting another baby ! OMG ! I'm super excited for you guys , millions of congrats :D and to Kian and Nicky , I'm so sorry of your fathers' death, I wish them rest in peace and blessed by their good deeds. :D
and I said too much did i ? sorry I got emotional , I tend to make things complicated when I'm obsessed and talk about the it . But i like talking about it,it makes me....*whats the word again ... Ah ...!* happy . :) HAHAHAHAHAHA ! :P
alright , I'm signing off now , posting the link soon k :) and please keep coming back , I noticed my readers had decreased , LOL :D
okay , tata ;p
now ,for my 're-obsessed' topic . (LOL , funny..) you see , in 2003 , I'm TOTALLY obsessed about an Irish band ; Westlife . In 2004 , Bryan (now Brian McFadden) left Westlife , it upsets me much , but then , back in 2006 , i found out that Mark is gay(please do not be offended) . It upsets me more , so , my full obsess level was 100% and dropped badly to 60% ,but i never forget westlife,their songs on repeat everyday,never got bored of it,only i wouldn't want to see their videos no more,no more drooling every single day, but in 2009 which is this year , of course . exactly on 1st December , everything changes when my cousin bought a new Kareoke set(I'm staying with them) , and then Amanda bought the Westlife kareoke CD and I remember why I'm obsessed with westlife ; ONLY Westlife's music and music videos and everything from them fascinates and touch me . thats why I LOVE them . And i understood the true meaning of being a fan,no matter what it is that happens,it is the final product that counts/matters. Thanks to westlife i'm more lifely,as i said , only their stuff fascinates and touch me,i watched their video,it makes my heart jump in joy,when their song is sad,i would cry because they used the correct everything,i listen to their songs, it made my day. so I became re-obsessed . LOL , only 3 years of dis-obsession westlife , but now I'm re-obsessed and now that I finally have a phone which can get me to the internet , i spent almost everyday browsing over Westlife stuff . I really hope you guys will eventually come across this, and read every single thing that comes across my thoughts when i see you guys,i would write it all if you wish... And i will .
and then did you know that United Kingdom is one of my land of dreams ? its where my dream started and its where its gonna end , main reason : westlife . LOL .
you see , when I'm a kid , I would like to be a doctor , so dream 1 , U.K . then I love westlife , dream 2 , U.K , and then when I came accross twilight , Robert Pattinson , dream 3 , U.K . I wanna get scholarship , dream 4 , U.K . and then , when I re-obsessed Westlife again , my dream 2 urges me to work harder so I have an opportunity to meet Westlife . Is it too much to ask ?
and back to my re-obsession , I'm a 14 year old teen obsessed with westlife , I only have 1 wish. on behalf of me and my cousin , first , will you please come tour our country ?(not that i'm forcing any of my wish/request on you guys,but i hope it will come true , i'll be the happiest) :D I hope you guys will come accross this .
what am I bluffing about ? ugh ...
what ever it is , I ♥ you westlife , you are always in my heart ☺

ps, on 8th May 2009 , Kian and Jodi Egan are man and wife , congrats and this upcoming 28th December 2009 , is Shane and Gillian Filan's 6th wedding anniversarry . happy advanced anniversarry ! and by this January 2010 , which is next month , Shane and Gillian are expecting another baby ! OMG ! I'm super excited for you guys , millions of congrats :D and to Kian and Nicky , I'm so sorry of your fathers' death, I wish them rest in peace and blessed by their good deeds. :D
and I said too much did i ? sorry I got emotional , I tend to make things complicated when I'm obsessed and talk about the it . But i like talking about it,it makes me....*whats the word again ... Ah ...!* happy . :) HAHAHAHAHAHA ! :P
alright , I'm signing off now , posting the link soon k :) and please keep coming back , I noticed my readers had decreased , LOL :D
okay , tata ;p
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
my result ,
Bahasa Melayu - 2
English - 2
Pengetahuan Ugama Islam - 5
History - 6
Geography - 2
Maths - 4
Science - 3
Commercial Studies - 5
OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *i'm still having my panic attack, LOL*
terima kasih untuk guru guru , kawwan kawan dan keluarga yang sentiasa menjadi inspirasi ku ;p
my result ,
Bahasa Melayu - 2
English - 2
Pengetahuan Ugama Islam - 5
History - 6
Geography - 2
Maths - 4
Science - 3
Commercial Studies - 5
OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *i'm still having my panic attack, LOL*
terima kasih untuk guru guru , kawwan kawan dan keluarga yang sentiasa menjadi inspirasi ku ;p
Thursday, December 3, 2009
confused by posers ?
hey peeps ~ I'm really bored tonight ... so I got up to google and searched , found a decent topic and as most of you know I'm a twi-hard die-hard fan . and I , like most of the other fans out there are lookin for the twilight cast/crew twitter accounts and there are also a lot of posers out ther faking the twilight cast/crew's twitter account . and There is always a question as to which members of the Twilight cast are actually on twitter. and these posers claiming they are the actual twilight cast/crew which ANNOYS me .
so , Peter Facinelli helped clear up some of the confusion by telling us who is not. Today we’ll give you a rundown of the cast members who are currently active on twitter.
• Peter Facinelli (dr. Carlisle Cullen) follow him here
• Jodelle Ferland (newborn vamp in Eclipse)is here
• Edi Gathegi (Laurent) is here.
• Ashley Greene (Alice) is here.
• Anna Kendrick (Jessica) is here.
• David Slade (Eclipse director) is here.
• Christian Serratos (Angela) is here.
• Billy Burke (Charlie) is here.
• Rachelle Lefevre (Victoria) is here.
• Gil Birmingham (Billy) is here.
• Charlie Bewley (Demetri) is here.
• Justin Chon (Eric) is here.
• Jamie Campbell Bower (Caius) is here.
• Michael Sheen (Aro) is here.
• Kiowa Gordon (Embry) is here.
• Tinsel Korey (Emily) is here.
• Cameron Bright (Alec) is here.
• Boo Boo Stewart (Seth Clearwater) shares an account with his mother and you can find him/them here.
• Jackson Rathbone (Jasper) does not have a personal Twitter page, but you can follow his band, 100 Monkeys, here.
• Note: Taylor Lautner has mentioned that he does have a Twitter page, but he hasn’t disclosed the URL or name of his Twitter, so chances are, if you’re following someone on Twitter who claims to be Taylor, it’s likely not him.
so , Peter Facinelli helped clear up some of the confusion by telling us who is not. Today we’ll give you a rundown of the cast members who are currently active on twitter.
• Peter Facinelli (dr. Carlisle Cullen) follow him here
• Jodelle Ferland (newborn vamp in Eclipse)is here
• Edi Gathegi (Laurent) is here.
• Ashley Greene (Alice) is here.
• Anna Kendrick (Jessica) is here.
• David Slade (Eclipse director) is here.
• Christian Serratos (Angela) is here.
• Billy Burke (Charlie) is here.
• Rachelle Lefevre (Victoria) is here.
• Gil Birmingham (Billy) is here.
• Charlie Bewley (Demetri) is here.
• Justin Chon (Eric) is here.
• Jamie Campbell Bower (Caius) is here.
• Michael Sheen (Aro) is here.
• Kiowa Gordon (Embry) is here.
• Tinsel Korey (Emily) is here.
• Cameron Bright (Alec) is here.
• Boo Boo Stewart (Seth Clearwater) shares an account with his mother and you can find him/them here.
• Jackson Rathbone (Jasper) does not have a personal Twitter page, but you can follow his band, 100 Monkeys, here.
• Note: Taylor Lautner has mentioned that he does have a Twitter page, but he hasn’t disclosed the URL or name of his Twitter, so chances are, if you’re following someone on Twitter who claims to be Taylor, it’s likely not him.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
NEW MOON !!!!!
salam , hey peeps ~
OMG !! I just watched New Moon today , ITS THE BEST MOVIE , the critic : Ben Lyon , BACK OFF ! the movie is really good , you MUST watch it !!

it was a fun girls day out , da bomb !
I'll upload more pictures soon , I know i promised a lot , but , I'm not around lately , but hold on to my promise , kay ?
and sorry , its been quite a long time i didnt update :D
OMG !! I just watched New Moon today , ITS THE BEST MOVIE , the critic : Ben Lyon , BACK OFF ! the movie is really good , you MUST watch it !!

it was a fun girls day out , da bomb !
I'll upload more pictures soon , I know i promised a lot , but , I'm not around lately , but hold on to my promise , kay ?
and sorry , its been quite a long time i didnt update :D
Monday, November 2, 2009
girls day out
salam ~ heya peeps ! :) today me and my pals , Amalina , Farhannah , Izzati , Maira , Nadiah & Zyraa . We went to the Empire cinema to watch the 'MICHAEL JACKSON THIS IS IT ' . Banar2 nyamu nda ku nyasal meliat uh . . . Movie atu ku liat kan . . . Macam concert ! So rugged ! Siok yo . . .
Then , in the middle of the movie ada lagu MJ yg Thriller yg drg rakam dri mula in 3d , si Izzati menari wah --' lol . . . Then ada lagi c MJ majal ckp 'god bless you' . . .
Then afta the movie , kami ke toilet , then kami keluar , ada poster crita this is it , bgambar2 tah kami dsana . . . Kalinya ada worker d sana bagi topi arh kami wah , katanya 'bah , jadi tah Michael Jackson' . . .
Afta kami bgambar2 d tmpt cinema , kami ke tmpt hotel . . . Bgambar ja . . . Nanti ku post picture nya , let the picture tell the story :)
Then , in the middle of the movie ada lagu MJ yg Thriller yg drg rakam dri mula in 3d , si Izzati menari wah --' lol . . . Then ada lagi c MJ majal ckp 'god bless you' . . .
Then afta the movie , kami ke toilet , then kami keluar , ada poster crita this is it , bgambar2 tah kami dsana . . . Kalinya ada worker d sana bagi topi arh kami wah , katanya 'bah , jadi tah Michael Jackson' . . .
Afta kami bgambar2 d tmpt cinema , kami ke tmpt hotel . . . Bgambar ja . . . Nanti ku post picture nya , let the picture tell the story :)
Sunday, October 18, 2009
I'm BaCk !!
yeeeeeeeeeehaaa !! so our PMB officially ended on the 17th october , i know i promised to blog by then but well . . . tawar hati ku wah laptop ani tertutup dengan sendirinya . . . so now i'll update :) on the 17th we had a lot going on . . . i went to play badminton with some buddies and here's some of the pictures . . .

and at night i went dining at the empire hotel , there's a wedding ceremony . . .

that's all I guess :)

and at night i went dining at the empire hotel , there's a wedding ceremony . . .
that's all I guess :)
Saturday, September 19, 2009
SeLaMaT haRI rAYa AIdILfitRI

Demi ketulusan atas nama keikhlasan...
walau raga tak dapat bersapa,
walau wajah tak dapat bertatap,
walau tangan tak dapat menjabat
walau kata tak dapat bertutur,
dan walau suara tak dapat terdengar...
dengan segala kerendahan jiwa dan ketulusan hati,
kami titipkan kepada cahaya dan udara sepucuk kata "maaf" yang terlahir dari palung jiwa dan relung hati terdalam kepada kawan semua...
semoga di hari yang fitri ini seluruh hati, pikiran, dan jiwa kita semua menjadi bersih, sebersih cahaya matahari yang menerangi alam semesta...
-Minal Aidzin wal Faidzin,Mohon maaf lahir dan batin.-
Monday, September 14, 2009
hello hey salam peeps ~~
so , I hadn't been updating for quite a long time . . . huhuhu . . sorry yea ~~ coz i've been too busy lately *or maybe not?* my mock exam just passed and now my P.M.B is coming up *wish me luck* and then my phone*which provide my internet connection* and my laptop got condemned . . .
so , I hadn't been updating for quite a long time . . . huhuhu . . sorry yea ~~ coz i've been too busy lately *or maybe not?* my mock exam just passed and now my P.M.B is coming up *wish me luck* and then my phone*which provide my internet connection* and my laptop got condemned . . .

gotta go ~ toodles
p.s/ i will update as soon as my P.M.B is over , I promise .
Friday, August 21, 2009
indahnya bulan suci ramadhan, al-Quran diturunkan didalam nya, lailatul qadar terjadi, dimalam harinya
akhirnya bulan kerinduan seluruh umat Islam telah tiba , syukur Alhamdulillah kita panjatkan kehadrat Ilahi , bermula besok kita akan berpuasa , selamat berpuasa untuk seluruh umat Islam di seluruh dunia , semoga amal ibadat kita di berkati dan di rahmati ALLAH S.W.T , amin yarabal alamin . . .

akhirnya bulan kerinduan seluruh umat Islam telah tiba , syukur Alhamdulillah kita panjatkan kehadrat Ilahi , bermula besok kita akan berpuasa , selamat berpuasa untuk seluruh umat Islam di seluruh dunia , semoga amal ibadat kita di berkati dan di rahmati ALLAH S.W.T , amin yarabal alamin . . .

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
salam hey guys . . .
I've found out a few spammers wandering around affecting my friend Kaori Maira and all her friends(including me) in her link list . . . with harsh words of course , using her name . and now , I found out my name at the anvilz chronicles' blog , its a message that i dont even write .
so , guys , if ada spammers yg sedang menulis perkataan yg tidak patut dikatakan dan sedang menggunakan nama & link ku , THAT IS NOT ME ... take care :)
and btw , here's a few pictures yg bagas me , Maira , Izzah & Rafhannah study group . and a few pictures from pagi tadi , I'll give you the link to facebook , click here .

sorry the pictures nda tersusun . . heheh . . . and we present the pictures we took for the group study . . .;p
and enjoy ur day ~~ ^^
I've found out a few spammers wandering around affecting my friend Kaori Maira and all her friends(including me) in her link list . . . with harsh words of course , using her name . and now , I found out my name at the anvilz chronicles' blog , its a message that i dont even write .
so , guys , if ada spammers yg sedang menulis perkataan yg tidak patut dikatakan dan sedang menggunakan nama & link ku , THAT IS NOT ME ... take care :)
and btw , here's a few pictures yg bagas me , Maira , Izzah & Rafhannah study group . and a few pictures from pagi tadi , I'll give you the link to facebook , click here .

sorry the pictures nda tersusun . . heheh . . . and we present the pictures we took for the group study . . .;p
and enjoy ur day ~~ ^^
Saturday, July 25, 2009
lalalalalalalala ~~~
salam ~ hey peeps . . .
I've got some great news for you guys , kamu . . kamu . . .kamu tau ? P.E & CCA telah pun di unbanned !! YahOoOoOoOoO !!
and btw , my mock exam is coming right up , so . .. wish me luck , just hope I get all A's . . . LOL (:
and then kan . .. makin exam kan dakat , I will be less active around facebook and blog . . .so . . ya ~ *apakan ?* ;p
and then kan . . .I'm so excited for CCA on monday , 1 bulan 3 minggu dah ku tunggu . . HAHAHAHAHA ! and then yang boring nya our second P.E this month a.k.a on this wednesday kan kana ambil tuk oral english , NO !!!! I know its important , but mahn ! we just got our P.E back and its . . .ugh !!!! *kes sasak* aha . . .;p
and thats all kali , so . . .
toodles ~~ (:
have a nice day ^^
I've got some great news for you guys , kamu . . kamu . . .kamu tau ? P.E & CCA telah pun di unbanned !! YahOoOoOoOoO !!
and btw , my mock exam is coming right up , so . .. wish me luck , just hope I get all A's . . . LOL (:
and then kan . .. makin exam kan dakat , I will be less active around facebook and blog . . .so . . ya ~ *apakan ?* ;p
and then kan . . .I'm so excited for CCA on monday , 1 bulan 3 minggu dah ku tunggu . . HAHAHAHAHA ! and then yang boring nya our second P.E this month a.k.a on this wednesday kan kana ambil tuk oral english , NO !!!! I know its important , but mahn ! we just got our P.E back and its . . .ugh !!!! *kes sasak* aha . . .;p
and thats all kali , so . . .
toodles ~~ (:
have a nice day ^^
Thursday, July 23, 2009
salam ~ hey peeps ! how ya guys doin , hope ure doin great
so , yesterday is wednesday and we had experienced a solar eclispe world wide. I've been waitin to see it for years but nada chans even this year :'( and I've been feelin so humid since yesterday mornin and after the eclispe the weather is getting more hotter and more humid . . . fuh ~~ panas yo !
and then kan , kami ada science presentation wa . . .eatah today kami bagi presentation , kalinya , time durang Nadiah pnya turn , ada questions & BUENO ! 3 buting , I got one . . . hehehehe *julur2 and bawa lari bueno* hahahahahahahha . ..
then we finally have P.E again yesterday !! hahahah , LOLz ! we played netball and my fren brought a camera along , I wonder if she'd already post the pic around fb ? if yes , I'll be giving a link to the album . . .LOL
and then kan . . . time around 12 oclock camatu ada ujan wa . . wen I came home frm school nada urang di rumah bah . . . so , main ujan ;p tah ku sambil mengangkat jemuran ;p , mahn ! kuat kalia aing ujan atu memerancit. .
bah , dats all . . c u ~~
have a nice day !
so , yesterday is wednesday and we had experienced a solar eclispe world wide. I've been waitin to see it for years but nada chans even this year :'( and I've been feelin so humid since yesterday mornin and after the eclispe the weather is getting more hotter and more humid . . . fuh ~~ panas yo !
and then kan , kami ada science presentation wa . . .eatah today kami bagi presentation , kalinya , time durang Nadiah pnya turn , ada questions & BUENO ! 3 buting , I got one . . . hehehehe *julur2 and bawa lari bueno* hahahahahahahha . ..
then we finally have P.E again yesterday !! hahahah , LOLz ! we played netball and my fren brought a camera along , I wonder if she'd already post the pic around fb ? if yes , I'll be giving a link to the album . . .LOL
and then kan . . . time around 12 oclock camatu ada ujan wa . . wen I came home frm school nada urang di rumah bah . . . so , main ujan ;p tah ku sambil mengangkat jemuran ;p , mahn ! kuat kalia aing ujan atu memerancit. .
bah , dats all . . c u ~~
have a nice day !
Monday, July 20, 2009
family reunion - I'm so having a great time ! (:
salam ~ hey peeps ! how ya doin ? hop ur doin great . . (:
so , yesterday kami ada family reunion , some of my cuzzies ada datang . . and we have a major good time . . haahaha . . .
let me introduce you to some of them

this is me n my cuzzie , Amanda . . ^^

and this is my cuzzie yang konon konon nya kan jadi aladdin . .. lol

and these are me , my bro & my cuzzie Adrian , my bro yg baju merah n my cuzzie yang baju green . .. ;p
and thats all , enjoy ~~ ^^
so , yesterday kami ada family reunion , some of my cuzzies ada datang . . and we have a major good time . . haahaha . . .
let me introduce you to some of them
this is me n my cuzzie , Amanda . . ^^
and this is my cuzzie yang konon konon nya kan jadi aladdin . .. lol
and these are me , my bro & my cuzzie Adrian , my bro yg baju merah n my cuzzie yang baju green . .. ;p
and thats all , enjoy ~~ ^^
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
I'm SO bored today
salam ~ hey peeps ! (: how u guys doin ? hope ur doin fine . (:
hmm . . time check its exactly 6.12p.m now . I'm feeling so bored so I thought of cooking , I made nasi lemak . . there's left over nasi lemak rice from my parents and bro yesterday at home as I slept at my grandma's yesterday , lol . and I found myself to bored to be bored today when I come home . so I cooked something for my nasi lemak when I already have the rice . so , I cooked just a piece of chicken , an egg , some brocolli & sambal . and turn out to smell delicious and I dont think I could swallow all of them but I had exactly no choice coz I wont be able to share wif my bro as he'd already ate mee kari . . LOL , and my parents jalan . so . . .makan saja lah , I could skip dinner & breakfast tommorow*not really skip as in nothing at all,just a cup of milk will do* LOL !
my nasi lemak , one plate saja toh .. . ;p

and guys , arah my grandma house I found a mango , very the wierd the shape wa , try u see . . .
if from this angle , it will look like a person's hand giving one thumb up ! seriously. . .

and from this angle macam pinocchio . . .*betul ka spellingnya toh?*

and I'm signing out ! see ya , enjoy ur day ! :)
bye ~~ (:
hmm . . time check its exactly 6.12p.m now . I'm feeling so bored so I thought of cooking , I made nasi lemak . . there's left over nasi lemak rice from my parents and bro yesterday at home as I slept at my grandma's yesterday , lol . and I found myself to bored to be bored today when I come home . so I cooked something for my nasi lemak when I already have the rice . so , I cooked just a piece of chicken , an egg , some brocolli & sambal . and turn out to smell delicious and I dont think I could swallow all of them but I had exactly no choice coz I wont be able to share wif my bro as he'd already ate mee kari . . LOL , and my parents jalan . so . . .makan saja lah , I could skip dinner & breakfast tommorow*not really skip as in nothing at all,just a cup of milk will do* LOL !
my nasi lemak , one plate saja toh .. . ;p
and guys , arah my grandma house I found a mango , very the wierd the shape wa , try u see . . .
if from this angle , it will look like a person's hand giving one thumb up ! seriously. . .
and from this angle macam pinocchio . . .*betul ka spellingnya toh?*
and I'm signing out ! see ya , enjoy ur day ! :)
bye ~~ (:
Saturday, July 11, 2009
boring seconds , minutes , hours , days , weeks , months , years and school .
salam ~ hey peeps , how ya guys doin ? hope ur doin fine ! (:
so , as we've all known our schools are reopened and we , students are back to school . annoying . . . no P.E , no CCA , ANOYING !! very very very very very very very ANOYYING !! I hate school this way , where's the fun ? where's the adventure ? where's our sporting souls ? ya . . . H1N1 . . I'm so annoyed with this , sit in class and do nothing during free periods but gossiping around , but , still . . . almost ALL of us felt anooyed , lapas cuti semanggat dah kan P.E , tapi . . hampa seribu kali hampa . . . H1N1 udah merebak apa buleh buat kan ? huh . . .
any hows , take care of your health guys , sentiasa cuci tangan and I'm signing out ! and one more , I might be in active in these stuff for a little while as my mock & PMB exam's comin up , so . . .inactive kejaaaaaaaaaaaap je . . .;p
so , as we've all known our schools are reopened and we , students are back to school . annoying . . . no P.E , no CCA , ANOYING !! very very very very very very very ANOYYING !! I hate school this way , where's the fun ? where's the adventure ? where's our sporting souls ? ya . . . H1N1 . . I'm so annoyed with this , sit in class and do nothing during free periods but gossiping around , but , still . . . almost ALL of us felt anooyed , lapas cuti semanggat dah kan P.E , tapi . . hampa seribu kali hampa . . . H1N1 udah merebak apa buleh buat kan ? huh . . .
any hows , take care of your health guys , sentiasa cuci tangan and I'm signing out ! and one more , I might be in active in these stuff for a little while as my mock & PMB exam's comin up , so . . .inactive kejaaaaaaaaaaaap je . . .;p
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
1. Brad Pitt appears before you
- smile , say hi and chit chat wif him , if nda kana layan lari jee ~
2. A naked man/woman smiles at you
- smile back and run away as I am feeling disgusted .
3. Someone asked you to jump off a building
- ask the person to stand at the edge of the building and push him/her
4. Someone you like tells you to dance in the public
- malu ~ malu ~ lau bahas global warming mau ku ~~ =P
5. Your enemy shoots you
- depends if Im alive or Im dead . . .
6. Your bestfriend tells you to get lost
- after you.
7. A stranger poke you
- say : 'do I know you ?'
8. A metal out of nowhere hit you hard on the head
- #@#%$^&!*()#&^$^&^%&&@ !!!
9. Your teacher scolds you for having good grades
- jelous kah pakah ?
10. Superman appears before you and said, 'How may i help you?'
- bersih kan bilikku . . . ^^ =P
11. Your body parts can talk
- WHAT ?! YOU CAN TALK ???!! *faint*
12. The only food left in the world is carrot and no others
- it looks like I'm growing as a bunny now . . .
13. You see helpless old lady in need
- help her of course ! =)
14. You dream of power rangers being abducted by barney
- that's still lame . . . hahaha
15. A ghost said hi
- say :'oh. hello ghost' *turning pale and faint*
16. A kid throws chewed candy on your hair
- xcuse me kid, where's your mom?
17. Your friends told you that you are a worthless, stupid, and disgusting loser.
- dasar manusia prasan nda sadar diri ! *EVIL*
18. The lights suddenly went off
- mamaaaa . . . tutup karan , lilin mana ?
19. Your sexy friend tells you that you're her/his look-a-like
- what ever ~~
20. A cat asked you whats your name
- COOL ! we can finally communicate !
1. Brad Pitt appears before you
- smile , say hi and chit chat wif him , if nda kana layan lari jee ~
2. A naked man/woman smiles at you
- smile back and run away as I am feeling disgusted .
3. Someone asked you to jump off a building
- ask the person to stand at the edge of the building and push him/her
4. Someone you like tells you to dance in the public
- malu ~ malu ~ lau bahas global warming mau ku ~~ =P
5. Your enemy shoots you
- depends if Im alive or Im dead . . .
6. Your bestfriend tells you to get lost
- after you.
7. A stranger poke you
- say : 'do I know you ?'
8. A metal out of nowhere hit you hard on the head
- #@#%$^&!*()#&^$^&^%&&@ !!!
9. Your teacher scolds you for having good grades
- jelous kah pakah ?
10. Superman appears before you and said, 'How may i help you?'
- bersih kan bilikku . . . ^^ =P
11. Your body parts can talk
- WHAT ?! YOU CAN TALK ???!! *faint*
12. The only food left in the world is carrot and no others
- it looks like I'm growing as a bunny now . . .
13. You see helpless old lady in need
- help her of course ! =)
14. You dream of power rangers being abducted by barney
- that's still lame . . . hahaha
15. A ghost said hi
- say :'oh. hello ghost' *turning pale and faint*
16. A kid throws chewed candy on your hair
- xcuse me kid, where's your mom?
17. Your friends told you that you are a worthless, stupid, and disgusting loser.
- dasar manusia prasan nda sadar diri ! *EVIL*
18. The lights suddenly went off
- mamaaaa . . . tutup karan , lilin mana ?
19. Your sexy friend tells you that you're her/his look-a-like
- what ever ~~
20. A cat asked you whats your name
- COOL ! we can finally communicate !
the rules are simple , if you read this post , copy and paste everything and erase my answers and paste it to your own blog*if u have one* with ur own answer .
1.What's the date today?
- 4th July
2. When was the last time you went out with your friends?
- a few weeks ago at school
3. What's the color of the shirt that you're wearing?
- white
4. National anthem that you usually sing?
- Brunei National anthem laaa . . . =.=
5. What was the last movie that you watched?
- arah RTB2
6. What song are you listening to now?
- Putus Nyambung
7. How many friends do you know in facebook?
- banyak
8. What was the last thing that you bought?
- a new bag
9. What kind of guys do you like?
- do you have to know about this ?
10. Are you arrogant?
- sometime? LOL
12. How many bags do you have?
- hmm?more than 10?
13. You live with?
- family laah,siapa lagi kan?
14. Have you ever got an 'F' on your report?
- once upon a time in primary school
15. Subject that you hate?
- atu waaah, ..... ;D
16. What's the first thing that made you hate a person?
- org atuh berachun
17. Where's your house?
- di rumah ku lah !
18. What does love mean to you?
- Love:We come to love not by finding a perfect person,but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly,love doesnt doubt and love is not something you question about but something you just know and love is when u still can smile while looking ur love happy with someone else and that is a great love . . . *mcm panjang smacam ja jwpn ku neh =.="* LOL
19. The last food you ate?
- nasi
20. Are you loyal to your boyfriend/girlfriend?
21. Are you in love with someone?
- yup
22. Have you ever fallen in love with a guy/girl that's already taken?
23. When was the last time you cried?
- forgotten
24. Characteristics of a good friend?
- =D
25. Do you like to text?
- sometimes.
26. What's your plan tomorrow?
- no plans at all
27. What do you see in yourself?
- of course i can see me
28. Which one would you rather choose, the truth that hurts or the sweet lie?
- the truth,even if it hurts
29. What time is it now?
- time check it is exactly 5.55pm
30. I love you, do you love me?
- oh,sure i do!
1.What's the date today?
- 4th July
2. When was the last time you went out with your friends?
- a few weeks ago at school
3. What's the color of the shirt that you're wearing?
- white
4. National anthem that you usually sing?
- Brunei National anthem laaa . . . =.=
5. What was the last movie that you watched?
- arah RTB2
6. What song are you listening to now?
- Putus Nyambung
7. How many friends do you know in facebook?
- banyak
8. What was the last thing that you bought?
- a new bag
9. What kind of guys do you like?
- do you have to know about this ?
10. Are you arrogant?
- sometime? LOL
12. How many bags do you have?
- hmm?more than 10?
13. You live with?
- family laah,siapa lagi kan?
14. Have you ever got an 'F' on your report?
- once upon a time in primary school
15. Subject that you hate?
- atu waaah, ..... ;D
16. What's the first thing that made you hate a person?
- org atuh berachun
17. Where's your house?
- di rumah ku lah !
18. What does love mean to you?
- Love:We come to love not by finding a perfect person,but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly,love doesnt doubt and love is not something you question about but something you just know and love is when u still can smile while looking ur love happy with someone else and that is a great love . . . *mcm panjang smacam ja jwpn ku neh =.="* LOL
19. The last food you ate?
- nasi
20. Are you loyal to your boyfriend/girlfriend?
21. Are you in love with someone?
- yup
22. Have you ever fallen in love with a guy/girl that's already taken?
23. When was the last time you cried?
- forgotten
24. Characteristics of a good friend?
- =D
25. Do you like to text?
- sometimes.
26. What's your plan tomorrow?
- no plans at all
27. What do you see in yourself?
- of course i can see me
28. Which one would you rather choose, the truth that hurts or the sweet lie?
- the truth,even if it hurts
29. What time is it now?
- time check it is exactly 5.55pm
30. I love you, do you love me?
- oh,sure i do!
the rules are simple as ABC , first , if you read this , you must copy the questions and erase my answer and fill in your own answer in your blog if you have a blog . then , tell the truth and Share .
Do you SWEAR to tell the truth the whole TRUTH and NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH?
= depends.
Where were you last night?
= my house.
What is today's date?
= 4/7/2009
Who was the last person to call you baby/babe?
= tak tahu
When you're at the grocery store do you use the self checkout?
= no.
Anyone crushing on you?
= I hope so
Has anyone ever sang to you?
= uncle joe and my daddy
Has anyone ever given you roses?
= my long lost palz and my daddy
If you were abandoned in the wilderness, would you survive?
= I hope so
Who do you text the most?
= my parents
First person to text today?
= my cousin
What is your favorite color?
= blue, purple, black, red and yellow.
What color are your eyes?
= black
What is a compliment you receive often?
= she speaks alot of ............................... good english
How tall are you?:
= 162 cm
Who was the last person to say they loved you and when?
= my mom ?
Do you like your parenTs?
= i like, i love, i care and i sayang them.
Do you secretly like someone?:
= yeap , 'him' , never known his name but a good friend , LOL
Why did your last relationship end?
= its secret
Who was the last person you said you loved on the phone?
= secret !
Where is the furthest place you've travelled?
= hong kong
Which do you prefer, to eat or sleep?
= both, for sure.
Do you look more like your mom or your dad?
= people said i look like my dad.
How long does it take you to shower?
= 5-10 minutes.
Can you do splits?
= you want some?
Are you flexible?
= wth
What did you do on New Years Eve?
= celebrated it.
Was your mom there?
= yeah.
Can you speak any other language than English?
= yes
How many hours of sleep did you get last night?
= only 5 hours
Do you wear your seat belt in the car?:
= nope , my mom will nag me if i do so coz the seat belt is dirty
Are you scared of flying?
= no, i really want to know what its feel when flying :)
Who was the last person you kissed?
= my mum :D <3
Do you like funny people or serious people?
= both
What are you listening to?
= currently to Maria - Sahabat
What jewelry do you wear all the time?
= do you ever see me wearing jewlleries ?
What do you have planned for tonight?
= sleep straight awayyy.
Is the last person you kissed older than you?
= duhhh , my mom =p
Do you have a favorite item of clothing?
= yeah
Do you like messages or comments better?
= both
Last movie you saw in theaters?
= Transformer - revenge of the fallen
Last thing you ate?
= nasi dan telur dan kangkung(Y)
Are you happy right now?
= i feel totalllly upset
If you could have one thing right now what would it be..
= i want to be freee from problems everyday!
Who makes you happiest right now?
= my maid , my mom , my dad and arguing wif my bro . . . muahahahahaha
What were you doing at midnight last night?
= playing games
Are you left handed?
= right-handed.
When is your birthday?
= 8 -11 - 1995
Do you SWEAR to tell the truth the whole TRUTH and NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH?
= depends.
Where were you last night?
= my house.
What is today's date?
= 4/7/2009
Who was the last person to call you baby/babe?
= tak tahu
When you're at the grocery store do you use the self checkout?
= no.
Anyone crushing on you?
= I hope so
Has anyone ever sang to you?
= uncle joe and my daddy
Has anyone ever given you roses?
= my long lost palz and my daddy
If you were abandoned in the wilderness, would you survive?
= I hope so
Who do you text the most?
= my parents
First person to text today?
= my cousin
What is your favorite color?
= blue, purple, black, red and yellow.
What color are your eyes?
= black
What is a compliment you receive often?
= she speaks alot of ............................... good english
How tall are you?:
= 162 cm
Who was the last person to say they loved you and when?
= my mom ?
Do you like your parenTs?
= i like, i love, i care and i sayang them.
Do you secretly like someone?:
= yeap , 'him' , never known his name but a good friend , LOL
Why did your last relationship end?
= its secret
Who was the last person you said you loved on the phone?
= secret !
Where is the furthest place you've travelled?
= hong kong
Which do you prefer, to eat or sleep?
= both, for sure.
Do you look more like your mom or your dad?
= people said i look like my dad.
How long does it take you to shower?
= 5-10 minutes.
Can you do splits?
= you want some?
Are you flexible?
= wth
What did you do on New Years Eve?
= celebrated it.
Was your mom there?
= yeah.
Can you speak any other language than English?
= yes
How many hours of sleep did you get last night?
= only 5 hours
Do you wear your seat belt in the car?:
= nope , my mom will nag me if i do so coz the seat belt is dirty
Are you scared of flying?
= no, i really want to know what its feel when flying :)
Who was the last person you kissed?
= my mum :D <3
Do you like funny people or serious people?
= both
What are you listening to?
= currently to Maria - Sahabat
What jewelry do you wear all the time?
= do you ever see me wearing jewlleries ?
What do you have planned for tonight?
= sleep straight awayyy.
Is the last person you kissed older than you?
= duhhh , my mom =p
Do you have a favorite item of clothing?
= yeah
Do you like messages or comments better?
= both
Last movie you saw in theaters?
= Transformer - revenge of the fallen
Last thing you ate?
= nasi dan telur dan kangkung(Y)
Are you happy right now?
= i feel totalllly upset
If you could have one thing right now what would it be..
= i want to be freee from problems everyday!
Who makes you happiest right now?
= my maid , my mom , my dad and arguing wif my bro . . . muahahahahaha
What were you doing at midnight last night?
= playing games
Are you left handed?
= right-handed.
When is your birthday?
= 8 -11 - 1995
tagged on facebook
We need to answer this in full Bahasa Melayu. So, this is it! :P
1. Bekas kekasih saya adalah :
- rahsiah
2. Saya sedang mendengar :
- amah dan ibu saya membebel
3. Mungkin saya patut:
- pergi ke Seoul Korea bersama awak! :P
4. Saya suka :
- aiskrim
5.Sahabat-sahabat baik saya :
- bagai darah daging ku
6.Saya tak paham :
- kenapa awak bertanya soalan kepada saya -.-'
7.Saya kehilangan :
- teka sendiri malas aku nak jawab -.-"
8.Ramai yang berkata :
- saya semakin hari semakin gemuk -.-"
9.Makna nama saya :
- ialah harapan! :D
10.Cinta itu adalah :
- buta dan tidak dapat dilihat oleh mata kasar akan tetapi boleh dilihat dari mata hati
11.Di suatu tempat, seseorang sedang :
- membuat sesuatu? :0
12.Saya akan cuba :
- menjawab soalan ini dengan secepat mungkin
13.Ayat SELAMANYA membawa maksud :
- kekal?
14.Telefon bimbit saya :
- sedang tidur lena di kerusi kecilnya ;p
15.Bila saya terjaga dari tidur :
- saya bangun lah
16.Saya paling meluat apabila :
- seseorang itu menyampah
17.Pesta/Parti adalah :
- partai/petai
18.Haiwan yang paling comel yang saya pernah temui ialah :
- kucing !!! (Y)
19.Peringkat umur yang paling menyeronokkan bagi saya ialah :
-zaman remaja
20.Hari ini :
- terlampau banyak dugaan
21.Malam ini saya akan :
- tidur seperti seorang puteri gunung ledang
22.Esok pula saya akan :
- pergi sekolah
23.Saya betul-betul inginkan :
- komputer riba & kamera yang baru
24.Ketika anda lihat wajah anda di hadapan cermin pagi ini :
- saya berkata "ku yakin aku boleh !"
25.Pusat membeli-belah atau arked permainan :
- sangat menyeronokkan
26.Makanan Barat atau Jepun :
- makanan Brunei
27.Bilik yang terang atau gelap :
- hanyalah sekadar bilik
28.Makanan segera adalah :
- makanan yang tidak pernah sihat
29.Ayat terakhir yang anda katakan pada seseorang?
- get out of my room !
1. Bekas kekasih saya adalah :
- rahsiah
2. Saya sedang mendengar :
- amah dan ibu saya membebel
3. Mungkin saya patut:
- pergi ke Seoul Korea bersama awak! :P
4. Saya suka :
- aiskrim
5.Sahabat-sahabat baik saya :
- bagai darah daging ku
6.Saya tak paham :
- kenapa awak bertanya soalan kepada saya -.-'
7.Saya kehilangan :
- teka sendiri malas aku nak jawab -.-"
8.Ramai yang berkata :
- saya semakin hari semakin gemuk -.-"
9.Makna nama saya :
- ialah harapan! :D
10.Cinta itu adalah :
- buta dan tidak dapat dilihat oleh mata kasar akan tetapi boleh dilihat dari mata hati
11.Di suatu tempat, seseorang sedang :
- membuat sesuatu? :0
12.Saya akan cuba :
- menjawab soalan ini dengan secepat mungkin
13.Ayat SELAMANYA membawa maksud :
- kekal?
14.Telefon bimbit saya :
- sedang tidur lena di kerusi kecilnya ;p
15.Bila saya terjaga dari tidur :
- saya bangun lah
16.Saya paling meluat apabila :
- seseorang itu menyampah
17.Pesta/Parti adalah :
- partai/petai
18.Haiwan yang paling comel yang saya pernah temui ialah :
- kucing !!! (Y)
19.Peringkat umur yang paling menyeronokkan bagi saya ialah :
-zaman remaja
20.Hari ini :
- terlampau banyak dugaan
21.Malam ini saya akan :
- tidur seperti seorang puteri gunung ledang
22.Esok pula saya akan :
- pergi sekolah
23.Saya betul-betul inginkan :
- komputer riba & kamera yang baru
24.Ketika anda lihat wajah anda di hadapan cermin pagi ini :
- saya berkata "ku yakin aku boleh !"
25.Pusat membeli-belah atau arked permainan :
- sangat menyeronokkan
26.Makanan Barat atau Jepun :
- makanan Brunei
27.Bilik yang terang atau gelap :
- hanyalah sekadar bilik
28.Makanan segera adalah :
- makanan yang tidak pernah sihat
29.Ayat terakhir yang anda katakan pada seseorang?
- get out of my room !
Sunday, June 28, 2009
salam , hey peeps ! how ya guys doin ? hope ur doin great !
hari ani my cuzzies bawa jalan wif their family . .. kami ke bandar la . . .
first stop kami ke hua ho sengkurong membali barang , then kami zoom tarus ke Q-lap mall . . .
ramai urang kalia !

kami liat movie transformer : the rise of the fallen , siok jua lah ! eheheheeheheh . . . LOL ! =)
then in the car , *that particular car* ada lots of seat belts , and my cuzen did something :

ya . . . weird , rite ? lol !
then , we go to Yayasan . . .

then kami makan arh fod court I ate . . .

.... spaghetti
hehehe . . . -^.^-
while waiting the others to finish , me n my cuzen , Adrian go merayau around the food court and foun some future seafoods . . . *hehehe*

and look ! there's a baby crab ! ^^ ;p

and end of our trip ! LOL ! =p

have a nice day ! ^^
hari ani my cuzzies bawa jalan wif their family . .. kami ke bandar la . . .
first stop kami ke hua ho sengkurong membali barang , then kami zoom tarus ke Q-lap mall . . .
ramai urang kalia !
kami liat movie transformer : the rise of the fallen , siok jua lah ! eheheheeheheh . . . LOL ! =)
then in the car , *that particular car* ada lots of seat belts , and my cuzen did something :
ya . . . weird , rite ? lol !
then , we go to Yayasan . . .
then kami makan arh fod court I ate . . .
.... spaghetti
hehehe . . . -^.^-
while waiting the others to finish , me n my cuzen , Adrian go merayau around the food court and foun some future seafoods . . . *hehehe*
and look ! there's a baby crab ! ^^ ;p
and end of our trip ! LOL ! =p
have a nice day ! ^^
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