Monday, February 4, 2013

Super mega pollution

So... There's this big, scratch that, HUGE fire going on this morning. I'm not sure when the fire started but when I was on my way to school at around 7a.m, the fire has already started, and it was big and everywhere on that piece of land. The cause of fire I suppose is still under investigation, and the burnt things are tires. That explains the inferno. The fire still burns on and on up till now, 1.20pm. Our firemen are working hard to extinguish them.

Since it's a big fire, it of course billowed huge amount of smoke and ashes, my school's hallways are covered in soot. Some of my friends even have dirty uniform.

Lesson is, be careful handling fires. Not only will you lose properties but also lives are at risk! So is our environment, and our atmosphere.