Saturday, November 22, 2014

I Should Be studying

I'm currently sitting in the corner of a coffee shop, after my job interview. I'm supposed to be studying for my exams, but instead.. I finished writing my reflection entry for my last Myanmar trip... and am currently contemplating on the beauty of languages... and life. #DeepMoment

Yes, study is so daunting that being Adele is so much better.

Language is beautiful, while I am alive, I strive to learn as much as possible. I currently speak mandarin, hokkien, a little bit of crappy cantonese, english (duh), malay. I'm currently learning some sign language (for my lovely nephew, bless his soul) and also tagalog (for the abundance of good Filipino friends I have all around me. And also for the heck of it. And also for how beautiful this language is,  something about it is making it feels so natural to roll off the tip of my tongue.).

Now let's put aside my showing off for my language capabilities, I love language. I feel like it connects us more than anything in the world could, next to music and passion of course. The sense of connection, the sense of bridging.

Now speak of language, check out this movie. You'll understand exactly what I meant by then. here's a trailer.

Of course there's more I would like to learn, I just need teachers :P So each time I learn a new language, I have this in my head: "language is love". Literally is. :)

and I also probably make no sense. I should probably go study now. My coffee is running out. lol just kidding, I don't like coffee. It's chocolate.

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